Monday, 5 March 2012

This triangle looks like it may break to the downside



  1. CR, this is kind of a broadcast type of comment (I've posted it elsewhere only moments ago). I'm sure you'll forgive me for this one:

    If I have ever been shy or reluctant to post a link to an article on my own site (out or pure respect for yourself), this is one where I have absolutely no reservations. I know with 100% certainty that you and all of your readers will appreciate this one. The Hindenburg Omen is suddenly acting up, and faster than I'd expected. I nearly got caught not paying close enough attention today. Here's an update that I hurriedly published just moments ago:

  2. Thanks AR I will enjoy reading it.The HO is something I know almost nothing about.I poste the link on Dino's CIL too
