Tuesday, 17 June 2014


"It is true that the world and humanity face major problems that must be addressed — even in terms of pseudo-capitalists exploiting the population via government to benefit themselves. The root of those afflictions, though, has been deliberately misdiagnosed by the bigwigs who met in London. The prescriptions offered at the Rothschild summit will only lead to more exploitation, more tyranny, more centralized and less accountable government, more unearned wealth for the establishment, and more human misery. What humanity really needs are freer markets, honest money as opposed to cartel-owned central-banking scams, honest government, more freedom, more faith, and respect for individual rights"


  1. How funny is this ... driving past a local school, there was a Road Runner whizzing along the edge of the road. First one I've seen in TX.

    Great vid http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GS5CODq5hVQ

