
It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning. Henry Ford

Those who surrender freedom for security will not have, nor do they deserve, either one. Benjamin Franklin

The idea that you know what is true is dangerous, for it keeps you imprisoned in the mind. It is when you do not know, that you are free to investigate. ~ Nisargadatta Maharaj

Monday 7 July 2014


"No democratically elected government in a major country – not in France, not in Germany, least of all in the US – is allowed to oppose the banks and the central banks that stand behind them, though extracting penalties to the tune of a few quarters worth of earnings – extracting them from stockholders – is now considered an easy price to pay, and part of the costs of doing business, to buy some protection from the restless populists."


  1. Sorry for what happened to you over at Daneric's blog!

  2. LOL ! Thankyou,I won't be losing any sleep over it :-) Dan is obviously on a big retainer from the chief Troll ...

    1. or maybe he's just stupid ....either way its no big deal

  3. I'll stop in daily to check out your work. Thank you

  4. I bet start posting some charts again then lol....kinda lost enthusiasm recently :-(

  5. Don't lose enthusiasm. You are far better than Daneric's blog of retards. They don't deserve your work.

    We have a USDCAD long setup here btw. Inside bollinger band turn trade off the low (using 50 period bands). The first target is the 50 dma. The stop is today's low. FWIW.

    Equities the analysis continues. Mid-Sept low. If that is at support it means we are going to likely have one more terminal wave up into end of year. IF it is not, then this was the terminal ABC up and it is done. I have lots of reasons to think scenario 2, and a few to think scenario 1 (divergence lacking?). Either way, down into Sept and we see where that low is at and assess whether it will produce a cycle low or not....IMHO)

  6. If the Sept low/support gets blow out, the low is mid Nov, btw....per earlier posts...the two potential cycle lows for the rest of the year IMHO again....

  7. Thanks SJ. Nothing to do with Daneric's though although I find the whole saga that went on there more than a little depressing, more to do with the BS markets.Have been looking at currencies more and short term charts especially and quite enjoying that
