Paul Craig Roberts
"The evidence that Putin did it is a video
made prior to the attack on the airliner. The entire BBC report aired
over National Public Radio was orchestrated for the sole purpose of
establishing prior to any evidence that Russia was responsible.
Indeed the entire Western media spoke as one: Russia did it. And the presstitutes are still speaking the same way.
Possibly, this uniform opinion merely
reflects the pavlovian training of the Western media to automatically
line up with Washington. No media source wants to be subject to
criticism for being unamerican or to find itself isolated by majority
opinion, which carries the day, and earn black marks for being wrong. As
a former journalist for, and contributor to, America’s most important
news publications, I know how this works.
On the other hand, if we discount the
pavlovian conditioning, the only conclusion is that the entire news
cycle pertaining to the downing of the Malaysian airliner is
orchestrated in order to lay the blame on Putin."
" What we are witnessing is the total corruption of Western journalism by
Washington’s imperial agenda. Journalists have to get on board with the
lies or get run over."