Notes on an interesting,if chilling speech by a supposed NWO insider,Dr Richard Day ,in 1969
Many of these plans and predictions have come true......
David Icke discusses here
"D.L.D: This right away now begs the questions, when they come around and say, "It's your turn to sign the allegiance form"
... what are you going to do? When Henry the eighth came around and
said, either sign here and join ... and while he was saying it they were
throwing the noose over the limb of the oak tree, and slipping the
noose around your neck and saying, "you want to sign this or do we slap the horse out from under you?" and a lot of people said I won't sign it and they were martyred.
his having said there will be no martyrs, certainly there will be
martyrs. The implication of his statements were that they would not be
recognized as martyrs, but there will be martyrs and they will be recognized as martyrs. Maybe not the same way as in the past but I think this is something people should sort of prepare themselves for.
When I'm nose to nose with this choice, "ether sign this allegiance or we're going to put you in a boxcar and you're going out to Arizona, to the desert ..." I think we have to be prepared to make a decision.
I think it would be an understatement to say that this tape has great
meaning and it's like a forewarning and it gives us ideas of things we
should do and things we shouldn't do and I think everybody listening to
the tapes will come up with things he can do on a small scale. I think
that's the beauty of this thing. As he was talking ... it wasn't real
earth shattering things he was talking about. He was talking about
little things. Television. Things that we do every day. Things that are
under our control. The books we read.
I think some of these changes if they are going to occur will occur
with the individual person within that family, with him getting the word
out and then doing the little things. I think they matter over the long
haul, the most.
D.L.D: Just as with
the prisoners who survived the brainwashing, I think people who are
Spiritually oriented, who are thinking about God, thinking about their
relationship with God, are the ones who will then be better prepared or
equipped to survive this world and the next. Whereas, those who are just
focused on meeting their needs right now, strictly the material needs
of the day, they're more easily controlled.
the threat of losing your comforts or losing your food or loosing your
head or whatever, certainly some people are going to yield, and those
who I think will survive and I really mean both in this life and the
next - they're going to have to be the ones who are prepared because
it's my belief when the time comes to make the decision … "Are you going to sign on or not?" ... it's too late to begin preparation and start saying, "Well, let me think about this."
You won't have time to think about it. You're either going to say yes or no. I hope a lot of us make the right decision."