"Taking the case of the
homeless. In many American states it is now illegal to donate food to
the homeless. If caught, pending your involvement, you could be heavily
fined. Those in a church at Dundalk, Maryland found this out the hard
way. The church was fined a
whopping $12,000 for letting the homeless sleep overnight at its outside grounds.
Another Good Samaritan criminalized for his compassion, trying to
make a difference to the plight of the homeless, was Jay Hamberger.
Because of helping the homeless for some 27 years in Houston he became
an outlaw.
Further, it is now illegal to be homeless. How do authorities expect
these impoverished people to pay the fines?? Even their meager
possessions: bedclothes, clothes, tents, papers, medications … are
confiscated. How could any policeman confiscating these possessions not
consider this action to be inhumane?"