Thanks to Sukimoto for linking this
New Years Message from Michael Tellenger - Founder of The UBUNTU MOVEMENT
Please read this when you have some time to absorb the message and truly digest it.
growing up in a family where one day your parents tell you that they
love you, and the next day they tell you that they hate you, and that
you are ugly and bad. This results in serious mental emotional trauma
and psychological disturbances in your personality. There are many
people who experience this kind of trauma for long periods of their
lives. It is unimaginable to me - that someone could be exposed to such
On a larger scale, all of humanity is treated in the same
way by our leaders and the global elite who run the world. It is
critical to recognise how humanity has been manipulated and lied to for
millennia by the royal-political elite. Because of these lies and
deceptions, humanity is deeply scarred, and traumatised and divided. And
because the lies are cunningly mixed in with pinches of truth
throughout all our lives, and all of history, it becomes very difficult
to separate the lies from the truth. This is a perfect tool of
psychological warfare and control over the people.
Most of us
beautiful, loving, and trusting humans, cannot imagine that anyone,
especially our governments, could be so brutal and manipulative. This
has become our biggest weakness and we become our own prison guards,
keeping us enslaved in an induced hypnotic state of unconsciousness.
Perfectly primed for ongoing lies and manipulation. These lies penetrate
every crack and crevice of our existence. And the bigger the lie, the
more we are inclined to believe it.
From our origins, to religion,
history, nature of reality, space, the cosmos, and even the
fundamentals of science. Because most of us cannot figure out WHY
someone would want to lie to us, and because we cannot imagine that such
a big lie could be controlled without leaking, we brush it aside and
assume that it cannot be a lie and that our leaders cannot be lying to
us. In that moment we use our uninformed, innocent, ignorant, and naive
powers of logic to hand the control right back to the elite slave
masters, and once again we become the prison guards of our own state of
But, consciousness never sleeps, it never stops
resonating throughout all of creation, even inside the most disconnected
and unconscious among us. It never stops activating our DNA inside
every cell, allowing us to start thinking higher thoughts, waking up
from our deep unconscious sleep and recognising the lies and
manipulation imposed on humanity. Even the elite that are causing so
much trauma and misery are not immune to it.
This rapid rise in
unity consciousness and awakening of humanity is a huge problem for the
elite. This is why it seems that things are getting worse and
governments are doing insane things that destroy our freedom and
liberty. More draconian laws are created weekly, restricting our rights
and more financial hardships imposed by those who control the supply of
While these may seem as deeply depressing times and very
few can imagine a way out of this mess, it is critical that we recognise
these actions as the undeniable behaviour of those who are in a deep
state of panic and fear. The global elite are panicking - they know that
they are in deep trouble - that their time is almost up - that the new
age of enlightenment and higher consciousness is upon us - and that they
cannot fight the unifying resonance of the consciousness field of
creation, or as some may call it, GOD.
If we do not learn from our
experiences, we become stagnant and a perfect target for ongoing
exploitation. I urge all my fellow humans to realise that we are rising
rapidly out of the state of unconsciousness. There are hundreds of
millions of enlightened people in the world that know there is a better
way for all of us.
Unfortunately, these conscious people often
feel alone and marginalised, not realising that they are part of a large
group of activators. Because we are so deeply divided, most of us do
not realise the influence we hold, and what we can manifest if only we
spoke with one voice. The more extreme the actions of our governments
and banking elite, the closer we are to a new world of absolute liberty
and freedom from economic slavery.
Over the past 12 years, since
2005, the UBUNTU Movement and our message has evolved and spread to
millions. Our strategy has grown and evolved itself to the simple ONE
SMALL TOWN, Will Change the World strategy. This simple plan is so
powerful and self-driven, that once implemented successfully, it will
become unstoppable. We are not only talking about it, we are doing it.
November 2017, the first UBUNTU One Small Town was initiated by Mayor
Ron Higgins in North Frontenac, Canada, and immediately captured the
imagination of hundreds of thousands of people all over the world. Mayor
Higgins is on a roll - receiving thousands of emails of support, and
even contact from investors who want to invest in North Frontenac
because of the attractive investment opportunity.
All of this came
from our 12-year journey of discovery, learning from our mistakes and
experiences and realising that we can no longer oppose anything. The
energy of opposition or resistance is part of the old paradigm. Even our
opposition to the money slavery system was misguided. Our activity in
politics also created a situation where we became an opposing party.
the moment when we adopted the philosophy of “using the tools of
enslavement as tools of liberation” everything shifted almost overnight.
Just like in martial arts, we have learned to use the flow of energy,
and not to oppose such energy. By simply using the powerful flow of
energy which is used to enslave us, and turning it around to serve us,
we will create abundance and prosperity for everyone, on every level of
our existence, without any violence opposition or conflict.
2017 may have been the darkest year for many, it is ending on the
highest possible note imaginable. We are making contact with numerous
mayors in Canada, South Africa, USA, UK, Australia, and even Madagascar.
We cannot imagine what will happen in 2018, whatever it is, it will
take us by surprise and transcend our current state of consciousness and
invite us in to resonate with our own creation.
Many prophets and
teachers throughout the ages have told us that we are one with God, and
that God is within each and every one of us. And since we are all
infinite souls, one with the creator, having a human physical
experience, I urge you to embrace this knowing without any fears or
reservation. We are the ones we have been waiting for, and we are the
creators of our own reality, it is up to us to create the kind of world
we would like to live in.