
It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning. Henry Ford

Those who surrender freedom for security will not have, nor do they deserve, either one. Benjamin Franklin

The idea that you know what is true is dangerous, for it keeps you imprisoned in the mind. It is when you do not know, that you are free to investigate. ~ Nisargadatta Maharaj

Thursday 23 April 2015


a decent bull setup in the euro at last ?


  1. If it does break out of the 1.1050 range it's going to catch a lot of people on the wrong side. The majority are betting on more downside.

  2. Harry Dent with Greg Hunter. 3rd bubble to blow soon.

    IMHfO - He's wrong on Gold, there may be a deflationary dump, but the overall theme is serious inflation, possibly hyper.

    Wile (for all the little tossers out there)

  3. The PMI number this morning was horrendous and the markets completely ignored it. This leads me to believe the fix is in and they want them to stay afloat without much of a correction. Who know when or if we get a meaningful correction.

  4. Almost nobody remaining at Daneric's worth reading. Six condescending bloviators, 4 vitreolic eeejitz, 3 clueless Gold shorts, 2 spineless tossers, and a partridge in a pear tree. Poor company for Doc, Richard, and Cropper. Wile

  5. Yep.....and Geno is in denial about his part in it all,Max "doesnt have a problem with Wagner" Doug (who I like is emailing him.....it boggles the mind ,really does

  6. Astonishing. Greed blinds otherwise rational people. In their delusion, they must think Wags has something to offer. I absolutely do not. I've seen sufficient evidence he is a clueless poser; dangerous at that. I've seen firecrackers like Pleather taken out, and it ain't pretty.

    This is the time for longer term strategies and conservation/protection. No pick up dimes in front of the steam roller.

    ... 4 undercapitalized noobs, 3 paper traders, two Doc followers 4 tits, one drunken Russian, and a GD fkn Partridge in a pear tree. Wile

    1. whether he has something to offer is not the point. You cannot defend the indefensible

  7. My comment was blown away by Gmail. We must BAN google at all costs.
