
It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning. Henry Ford

Those who surrender freedom for security will not have, nor do they deserve, either one. Benjamin Franklin

The idea that you know what is true is dangerous, for it keeps you imprisoned in the mind. It is when you do not know, that you are free to investigate. ~ Nisargadatta Maharaj

Saturday 19 May 2018


Donald Trump, in obedience to his Zionist handlers, has moved the US Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to West Jerusalem – a stupid and dangerous move. He chose to be absent from the Jerusalem celebration held in his honor May 14th. While a select crowd of well-dressed American and Israeli officials regaled the new location of the embassy in West Jerusalem, sixty miles to the east the scene was one of death, destruction, and mourning.
It was merely one of a continuum of Zionist atrocities waged against native Palestinians. It has been the same for decades. The history reads like a made-for-TV series of invasion by unstoppable aliens. Thanks to the full backing by the US Military, the Israelis have run roughshod over the native Palestinians with constant massacres and encroachment upon Palestinian land. Today, Palestinians are forcibly pushed into Gaza which is now their prison. They are forced to live there without adequate food, water, sanitation, or medical facilities. Furthermore, the Israelis kill and maim the Palestinians (men, women, children) at will. They also drive them out of their homes, and claim they are doing this to defend themselves.
The Zionists get by with doing this because the US Government defends them in anything they do. Also, the churches in America brainwash everyone to believe that the Zionist Jews are the descendants of ancient Israelites, and that they have the approval of God to commit the atrocities against the Palestinians. But the truth is that the Zionist Jews are not Israelites at all. They are not Semitic. They are not related to Abraham. They are fakes who have adopted the name “Jew” and then pulled off the biggest hoax of modern times. They were empowered to do this only because they had the backing of the churches (which are not true Christian), the British and US governments, and the money power of international banks

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